A Short Attention Span.

Burying my head in the sand won't make it all stop. All the information from popular culture, fake and "real" news sources, politics, and things obvserved on the street all get mixed up. It's such a confusing message. And I have such a short attention span.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Las Vegas! Las Vegas! I'm going to Vegas tomorrow. I can't wait. I'm staying at the Flamingo this time.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I realize that there is advertising EVERYWHERE now, but I am still surprised when I see it in unexpected locations. The latest was on the identification sticker that the airlines use to tag luggage. Did I really need to see an ad there telling me to go to some ski resort? It seems like such an odd place. But on the other hand, people have been conditioned to check the tag to make sure it is their luggage, so I guss it gets a lot of eyeballs.