Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Once again. I have neglected my blog for too long. Las Vegas was fabulous. And I skipped the stress of Christmas by not visiting my family.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Las Vegas! Las Vegas! I'm going to Vegas tomorrow. I can't wait. I'm staying at the Flamingo this time.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
I realize that there is advertising EVERYWHERE now, but I am still surprised when I see it in unexpected locations. The latest was on the identification sticker that the airlines use to tag luggage. Did I really need to see an ad there telling me to go to some ski resort? It seems like such an odd place. But on the other hand, people have been conditioned to check the tag to make sure it is their luggage, so I guss it gets a lot of eyeballs.
Monday, October 09, 2006
I did watch the three shows mentioned in the previous post. As of now, Heroes, Studio 60 and Ugly Betty all made it to my season pass list. I am not sure if they will all stay there. Studio 60 seems like it might get a little to Sorkin-y preachy for my personal tastes.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Once upon a time, I used to be obsessed with the new fall television shows. Now, I barely notice that they are starting. I'd read everything I could about them in the newspaper and I used to BEG my parents to buy the TV Guide issue that summarized what was upcoming. I blame several reasons for the decline
I think this list got shorter on my way to writing it. Oh well, I sure some great new series will start on BBC America soon enough.
- The Internet - too much other information
- Year round programming - Project Runway shown in the summer? No problem
- Getting older - yikes, I hate to admit this
- Cable channels - BBC America, FoodTV, Bravo, I blame you for diverting me
- Shittier stuff on network TV - I think this is partially due to the proliferation of cable channels
- TiVo - I always have something semi-decent to watch
I think this list got shorter on my way to writing it. Oh well, I sure some great new series will start on BBC America soon enough.
Monday, August 28, 2006