A Short Attention Span.

Burying my head in the sand won't make it all stop. All the information from popular culture, fake and "real" news sources, politics, and things obvserved on the street all get mixed up. It's such a confusing message. And I have such a short attention span.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

I think Jon Stewart on The Daily Show is the greatest talk show host currently on tv. This past week, he has been on fire. I did realize his show tapes too early in the day, at 5:45pm. Today, two of the top news stories were about the Governor of New Jersey resigning for a gay affair, as well as the California supreme court ruling that Gavin Newsom overstepped his authority in issuing same-sex licenses. So, how did they plan this to be on the same news cycle, is there some master plot going on here?


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