A Short Attention Span.

Burying my head in the sand won't make it all stop. All the information from popular culture, fake and "real" news sources, politics, and things obvserved on the street all get mixed up. It's such a confusing message. And I have such a short attention span.

Monday, April 26, 2004

Have I mentioned that I am addicted to watching TV? I have been paying for cable even though I did have much money, partially because I wouldn't get the broadcast stations clearly, but when I think about it, there are very few stations I would be willing to give up, most of them are the foreign language ones. I spend too much of my time at Television Without Pity and it gets me through the day. I can even rationalize it by thinking that I spend less total time by only reading the recaps of shows, instead of the hour watching the program.


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