A Short Attention Span.

Burying my head in the sand won't make it all stop. All the information from popular culture, fake and "real" news sources, politics, and things obvserved on the street all get mixed up. It's such a confusing message. And I have such a short attention span.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Why oh why can't I find a job? Going to school was supposed to be beneficial. Getting an advanced degree wasn't supposed to hurt your chances. Having a good school on your resume was supposed to be a good thing. I just don't understand. What am I supposed to do? I'd sell my soul to the devil right now if that got me a job. Frankly I don't believe that I actually have a soul, so maybe that is an empty promise.

I went for an interview and they told me it would take a month for them to get back to me, that they were still reviewing other candidates and setting up interviews. I mean, if they don't want to offer me a job, I would just prefer a rejection letter instead of this crap.


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